Alpine Forest FIre waRning System
Əsas məlumat
Məsləhətçi firmanın qısa təsviriThe project aims to improve forest fire prevention in the AS with the creation of a shared warning system based on weather condition affecting fire potential. Main goal is the development of a decision support tool for actors involved in forest fire prevention and suppression, consisting in a daily fire danger level assessment and forecast to identify critical periods in advance of their potential occurrence. Major target is the univocal European Forest Fire Danger Scale definition and common danger level interpretation with resulting preparedness plans and operational procedures. Mutual aid in vigilance and extinction procedures will be defined. An Alpine network on forest fire impact mitigation will be assembled reflecting common political strategy in prevention management, also in relation to climate change affecting fire potential. The project allows modulation and coordination of alerting process and means dislocation in different countries as well as mutual aid protocol adoption.
- Planned start of the project 01.09.2009 Expected end of project 31.08.2012
- Müddət 35 (ay (lar))
- Program Total Budget 2868160 Project EU-Funding 2074162 Faiz: 72
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