Adriatic DSS exploitation for MOnitoring and Risk management of coastal Extreme weather and flooding
Əsas məlumat
Məsləhətçi firmanın qısa təsviriThe AdriaMORE project is capitalizing the results of IPA Adriatic ADRIARadNet and CapRadNet and aims to improve the existing platform integrated hydro-meteorological risk management of the cross-border coastal areas. The project will foster the exchange of best practices of institutional governances and provide support to maritime navigation, air traffic control and urban water management authorities, whereas its outputs will be available to all citizens through the improved Decision Support Systems platform.
- Planned start of the project 01.01.2019 Expected end of project 30.09.2019
- Müddət 8 (ay (lar))
- Program Total Budget 1150000 Project EU-Funding 977500 Faiz: 85
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