European Network of Women Resource Centres - W.IN.NET.
Əsas məlumat
Məsləhətçi firmanın qısa təsviriW.IN.NET aims to create a network of local, regional and national Women Resource Centres in order to support them in promoting the role of women in local and regional development. The network wishes to improve the efficiency and transparency of these organisations and consequently the policies and tools for equal opportunities between women and men. Five thematic sub-networks will be set up within W.IN.NET: 1. WRCs - Quality indicators and modelling; 2. Women entrepreneurs; 3. Territorial system on gender equality and local development; 4. Women facing difficulties and social exclusion; 5. Women and technology.
- Planned start of the project 01.07.2003 Expected end of project 31.01.2006
- Müddət 30 (ay (lar))
- Program Total Budget 1351950 Project EU-Funding 691199 Faiz: 51
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