Run Wind Propulsion Technology real life trials on sea going ships in operation>showcase proven conceptmarket adgreen sea transport.
Əsas məlumat
Məsləhətçi firmanın qısa təsviriDecarbonisation of shipping is the greatest maritime challenge of our time and demand for low carbon solutions is growing. Direct wind propulsion along with secondary renewables: wind-sourced ammonia, hydrogen and other fuels and batteries, are all pieces in this decarbonisation puzzle. The high potential for wind energy in North Sea Region (NSR) and innovative, automated WPTs (Wind Propulsion Technologies), such as flettner rotors, suction wings, and rigid sails directly harvesting this. Vast resource will steer the industry onto that low carbon pathway.Fuel price rises, instability, emission reduction directives, carbon pricing, IMO & EU GHG strategies are all making WPTs increasingly commercially viable. WPT can be installed on existing vessels or optimised new builds. WPTs are future proof and offer quick solutions, saving 5-20% and possibly up to 30% fuel & emissions savings as retrofits. Promising initial installations are now in operation, like on the RoRo MV Estraden, LR2 Tanker Pelican & Fehn Pollux, inspiring the market to trial new WPT.At present WPT operational expertise is weak and fragmented among different players in the NSR. For further market uptake, 3rd party validation of capital and operational performance is an important precondition. This will be delivered by WASP; setting up and connecting WPT sea trials, providing validated 3rd party data and improving WPT concepts, thus enabling WPT market penetration and contributing to greener NSR sea transport.
- Planned start of the project 15.07.2019 Expected end of project 15.01.2023
- Müddət 42 (ay (lar))
- Program Total Budget 5393222 Project EU-Funding 2613458 Faiz: 48
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