INTERNOVAMARKET accelerator program to increase the competitiveness of the food sector of Galicia-North of Portugal
Əsas məlumat
Məsləhətçi firmanın qısa təsviriINTERNOVAMARKET contributes to the Galicia-North of Portugal Euroregion being characterized by a solid and sustainable business fabric over time, with an optimum level of productivity that generates a sufficient level of employment and companies that can sell higher quality products and services to the market national and international, contributing to the cross-border economy with increased wealth generation. For this, it is based on three pillars: internationalization, technological innovation and marketing, with the use of Information Technologies.
- Planned start of the project 01.01.2015 Expected end of project 31.12.2019
- Müddət 59 (ay (lar))
- Program Total Budget 2116458 Project EU-Funding 1587344 Faiz: 75
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