Yadda saxla AIR.NET Regional AIRports NETwork for a common economic space for the mobility of people and goods The connectivity and mobility of people and goods between modern countries constitute the basis for ...
Yadda saxla AIRTHINGS Fostering resource efficiency and climate change resilience through community based Air Quality Internet of Things
Yadda saxla AITOLOS Cross-border collaboration to fight illegal logging and timber trade to protect trans-boundary Greek-F.Y.R.O.M ecosystems
Yadda saxla AKK CENTROPE Umsetzung von Maßnahmen entlang des Alpen-Karpaten-Korridors und Implementierung in der Centrope-Region
Yadda saxla AKONA Aufbau eines Kooperationsnetzwerkes Automation zur Erhöhung des wissenschaftlich-technischen Niveaus im sächsisch-tschechischen FördergebieT
Yadda saxla AKVILOVA POT AKVILOVA POT The goal of the project is to research and present the work of Janez Akvila (Johannes Aquila), a 14t ...
Yadda saxla AL'YOSUR Programa de cooperación transfronteriza para la mejora de la competitividad en la provincia de Málaga y la región Tánger-Tetuán
Yadda saxla ALACRES2 Advanced Service of Crisis and Emergencies Laboratory in the harbours of the cooperation space of the upper Tyrrhenian, based on Simulation This joint project focuses on emergency management of the Italian and French coastal marine areas ea ...