Yadda saxla 0128_PROBIOENER_2_E Acción integrada para la promoción e implantación de eficiencia energética y energías renovables como factor de competitividad
Yadda saxla 0129_LACES_1_E Laboratories to support job creation and social economy companies The LACES project wants to promote the social economy in the Euroregion Galicia - North of Portugal ...
Yadda saxla 0129_OBSERVATORIO_SALUD_5_E Proyecto de cooperación sanitaria entre el Algarve y Andalucía; Observatorio de salud en la región fronteriza
Yadda saxla 0130_AMBIENTAL_5_E Gestión ambiental de los centros sanitarios de la región fronteriza Algarve - Huelva
Yadda saxla 0131_FORTOURS_5_E Frontier Fortifications: Promoting cross-border cultural tourism This project consists in the creation of a cross-border cultural itinerary of low-medieval frontier ...
Yadda saxla 0136_EUROCLUSTEX_1_P Cluster Têxtil / Vestuário / Moda Transfronteiriço Norte de Portugal-Galiza
Yadda saxla 0139_VENUS_5_E Integral study of the natural banks of bivalve molluscs in the Gulf of Cádiz for their sustainable management and the conservation of their habitats The objective of the project is the sustainable management of the natural banks of chirla (Chamelea ...
Yadda saxla 0145_PATCOM_2_E Cultural common heritage The project has among its main aims the knowledge of aspects of cultural heritage that are not well ...