Yadda saxla ALIMENTATION EN EAU DES VILLAGES ISOLéS DU MARONI Alimentation en eau des villages isolés du Maroni
Yadda saxla ALIMENTATION ET éVACUATION DES EAUX D’UNE ZONE DE SERVICES ET D’ACTIVITéS éCONOMIQUES TRANSFRONTALIèRE DE DIEFFELT-SCHMIEDE Alimentation et évacuation des eaux d’une zone de services et d’activités économiques transfrontalière de Dieffelt-Schmiede
Yadda saxla ALJMAšKI RIT & DRáVAKERESZTúRI Ecological revitalization of Aljmaški rit and Drávakeresztúri branches for renewal of water regime on the Drava’s floodplains The project is a continuation of a long tradition of successful co-operation of water management ser ...
Yadda saxla ALL CROSS BORDER ROADS LEADS TO FRIENDS HOMES All cross border roads leads to friends homes This project aims to improve the small-scale economic communication infrastructure leading to the cr ...
Yadda saxla ALL FOR SAFETY Improvement of technical basis and physical capacity of responsible professionals in operational services in the border region of Latvia and Lithuania
Yadda saxla ALL-ISLAND LIGHTHOUSE TRAIL All-Island Lighthouse Trail To develop alternative uses for Ireland's Lighthouse Estate as part of a tourism initiative.