Yadda saxla KULTURA.DIGITAL kultura.digital „kultura.digital“ představuje digitální platformu k propojení současné kultury v česko-německém pohr ...
Yadda saxla M-LOMA MOBILE LOCATION-AWARE MESSAGE APPLICATION m-Loma Mobile location-aware message application Project creates in Finnish Estonian co-operation a mobile 2D and 3D map service, e.g. for the touris ...
Yadda saxla MICELAB:BODENSEE Micelab:bodensee - hybrid further training platform for the German-speaking events sector
Yadda saxla NZECOM Sustainable and almost zero-emission communities and the role of public buildings - nZECom In this project, the benefits of the zero-energy buildings technologies and of the geothermal exploi ...
Yadda saxla NACHHALTIGE BIOMASSENUTZUNG Innovationen für eine nachhaltige Biomassennutzung in der Oberrheinregion