Neighbourhood regeneration in urban areas often focuses on the use of public spaces to help promote strong, vibrant communities and improve the quality of life. But roads, while public spaces, are often viewed as primarily transport routes, divorced from the communities that they pass through. The objective of STRING is to use the planning of streetscape as a mechanism for achieving community regeneration. Led by the UK’s Swindon council, the 5.6 M Euro project seeks to increase the involvement of socially excluded local residents in efforts to improve car dominated street environments, while showing how improved traffic management can improve quality of life. It also seeks to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour by improving the design and management of the street environment so that it becomes a resource valued by the whole community. As part of the project, representatives of the three communities will have the opportunity to meet one another and share experience. Once the project is over, its lessons will be disseminated to other NW European cities and towns facing similar problems of traffic and social exclusion.