SUCCESS aims to increase job opportunities, sustainability and quality through the development of activities in the priority sectors of the programme (innovative and sustainable tourism, sea-related maritime activities, sustainable energies and blue and green biotechnologies such as agri-food and cosmetics). It will involve building a cross-border network of assistance and coaching services to support employment by investing in freelancers, micro-businesses and new companies. This network will rely on specialised and innovative online services based on the good practices observed in each partner region The project will build on the achievements of the SERENA, ART², FRINET and MER projects of the previous programme, which developed opportunities in certain priority areas. It will achieve the following: 1 - Analysis of the need to work and funding in the priority areas involved based on the capitalisation of previous projects; 2 - Mapping of existing services provided by innovative online tools; 3 - Action plan of personalised paths based on the aforementioned analysis and mapping; 4 - Awareness raising and information of the public involved to have better access (young people undergoing training/apprenticeship, company creators, companies developing in the participating regions); 5 - Scouting pilot actions (business opportunities, incubators of ideas and projects), 6 - Coaching (packaged training, alternating with cross-border mobility), and mentoring (sponsorships, agreements between companies, internships) resulting in the validation of paths and privileged access to regional or local financial tools.