Aims of this project are to improve the work conditions, living conditions and improve social inclusion of caregivers/receivers in Finland and Estonia.There are differences in home care systems and practices between countries, also variations within each country and differences between urban and rural regions. However, the problems and aims are similar for all, and it is important to develop the home care system, for the caregivers/receivers sake and for decreasing the costs for eldercare and care for handicapped for the society. Project regions are Tallinn,Rakvere,Helsinki,Raasepori, Salo. The program consists of evaluation, education/information courses for caregivers, supportive functions, better physical/mental functional capacity, improving environmental indoor/outdoor accessibility,increase social participation by info/practical assistance and finally to form a model of home care system which includes all before mentioned ingrediences. Proposal for home care system is presented WP1:Adm. of the project and publishing the project results at the end, WP2:evaluation of the situation by survey (totally all regions n=2000) and interviews (n=200) of caregivers/receivers(Estonian language in Est./Finnish/Swedish in Finland): needs for support, accessibility, resources, networks WP3: a) Info/education course for caregivers (n=300)(soc & health care system, health promotion, self-care, how to solve practical problems, about mental health/disorders, help with job control), with follow-ups in every 3 mo, b) practical supportive system for help (24h),ICT-support (pilot study) c) improve accessibility in environment, ergonomics, improve physical/mental functional capacity, WP4: increase social participation by assisting in networking, creating hobbies, clubs, leisure and citizen activities (choir, art etc). Project group creates and offers different models for social participation and cultural involvement and hobbies and helps in information and in practical arrangements WP5: to create a model which includes all the sub-items mentioned before. To create a model for good and cost efficient home care, which promotes the well-being and social inclusion of family caregivers/receivers. The model shall be tested during the program in several pilot studies and the cost/benefit relationship shall be evaluated and compared with the home care systems which are usually in use in Estonia and Finland. The model is based on previous knowledge, our evaluation survey, interviews and our experiences of educational courses, professional consultations, accessibility outcome, assisted social participation activities and pilot studies. The model aims to: 1) improve the knowledge of caregivers by education/info,2) improve accessibility, 3) give supportive tools and aid systems (job breaks, immediate help etc), 4) increase social participation by practical assisted leisure and citizen activities. We shall make proposals for improving living conditions in city and rural area