During last few decades urban areas became car-dominated and less viable, making negative impact on environment, people’s health and overall sustainability in Poland, Belarus and Ukraine. Congestion, poor air quality, noise, high emissions, limited accessibility of cities and transport for part of population (cyclists, old age, special needs) are problems that cities currently face. SUMCITYNET project aims to improve the accessibility of urban areas and provide solutions to sustainable and effective mobility and transport to, through and within the cities in the selected regions of Poland, Belarus and Ukraine. Project will produce following changes in the project area: Better cross-border cooperation in sustainable climate-proof urban mobility Improved capacities in urban mobility planning and solutions Enhanced accessibility in Uzhhorod and Pinsk Boosting Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning and implementation Better understanding of sustainable mobility by city dwellers leading to attitude change Improved climate-proof practices in sustainable urban mobility, hence better ecology and quality of life Main project outputs: Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP), Innovative solutions, Accessibility infrastructure improvements will benefit inhabitants/municipalities of partner and other cities SUMCITYNET network, will benefit cross-border collaboration in Programme area Feasibility study on new time-efficient transport system patterns for Pinsk inhabitants/municipality Awareness-raising campaigns on sustainable climate-proof urban mobility for public Improved skills of city professionals on SUMP and implementation issues will benefit municipalities and eventually citizens