Many North West European authorities have developed expertise in sustainable urban development in response to local or regional problems. The SUS-CIT project enables authorities to pool this expertise on a transnational basis. The principal objective of the four and a half year project, which is being led by the Ministry of the Walloon Region, is to foster cooperation and practice in implementing innovative sustainable approaches to urban development in NWE cities and improve skills in local authorities through pilot projects in urban areas. 34 These demonstration projects will pursue five thematic objectives. These include developing renewable energy and energy efficiency in public buildings, encouraging the sustainable renovation and construction of buildings and public spaces, fostering economically sustainable construction. The project will sponsor a travelling, transnational exhibition on ecological renovation and construction. The 3.580 euro project goes beyond sustainable construction to address the sustainability of the building’s environment, its neighbourhood. The wider aim is to develop a sustainable urbanism and define practical tools for its implementation.