SUSCOD aims to make a step change in the application of integrated coastal zone management (ICZM). In doing so coastal potentials -economical, social and environmental- can be utilized to full advantage and broader support for coastal management measures can be secured. 7 partners from 5 countries will develop an innovative Integrated Coastal Zone Management (IZCM) ‘assistant’. The ICZM approach has been explored in several parts of the NSR. The focus of these interventions has often been for public safety. Although these interventions have offered opportunities to realise the full development potential of the areas concerned, in practice a fully integrated, holistic approach has rarely been taken. This is regrettable because coastal potentials are not fully utilised. SUSCOD brings together partners that want to change this through a well coordinated transnational team approach. This practical web based tool will allow coastal development practitioners to fully realise coastal potentials: economical, social and environmental.