SUSPORT intends to strengthen the institutional capacity and cross-border governance of the ports of the Programme Area in this sector, enhancing the environmental sustainability and energy efficiency. In particular, a model of cross-border plan for environmental sustainability and port energy efficiency will be developed, declined in each port through an ad hoc plan (WP3) which will be tested in concrete pilot actions, with tangible results (WP4) . Based on the lessons learnt in WP3 and WP4, the ports of the Program Area will sign a Protocol for the application of a joint cross-border strategy in this area, thus harmonizing the policies in the medium and long term (WP5), with a benefit for the citizens who live in the vicinity and in the municipalities where commercial calls are made. Also, specific recommendations in this sense will be provided to EUSALP, EUSAIR and EUSDR.No project so far has ever brought together all the ports of the Programme Area, seeking common solutions to common problems, nor has a joint cross-border strategy ever been built.