The Sustainability in Finance (SuFi) project develops a vocational Sustainability in Finance open online module for vocational education and training (VET) by involving students, teachers and stakeholders in new competence and modular development. The project is needed in order to match employment demand, to enhance competetiveness, work opportunities and mobility, and to enhance new required competences among business graduates in the Central Baltic region. Environmental, social and governance are integral parts of sustainable economic development and finance.  According to the Finnish National Agency for Education report (2019), the sustainability principles are by far the most important generic competence for employees in the future. Moreover, Finance Finland, Latvia and Estonia are all commited to the UN sustainable and Baltic Sea Region Strategy goals. The project activities involve, in addition to testing, piloting and developing, a survey of competence needs adressed to the finance sector, and workshops applying the ABC design, in addition to quality activities for the purpose of developing an outstanding online finance module based on sustainable principles. The engagement of students, lecturers, associated partners, stakeholders and project partners takes place both in meetings, workshops and on an ideation e-platform (Stormboard) in a three-phase development process. Testing and piloting of the module take place on Moodle by Latvian, Finnish and Estonian vocational partner institutions. The outcome of SuFi is an open online finance module (15 ects) within business education to meet new competence needs. The module will be rooted in all partner institutions and made available for all, on an open educational platform within the Central Baltic region. SuFi aims at a socially inclusive Central Baltic region by involving stakeholders, students and teachers in sustainability in finance development work with more aligned vocational education as a result.