The aim of the project is to protect and increase the availability of cultural heritage in the Polish-Belarusian-Ukrainian border area. The implementation of the goal through the measures proposed in the project will contribute to increasing the tourist attractiveness of border areas, eliminating existing problems related mainly to the lack of knowledge about the cultural heritage resources in all cities. Products created as a part of the project, such as Supraskie CDs, organized choir concerts, painting workshops and sculptural outdoor workshop will allow a wider audience (residents, tourists) to discover new undiscovered aspects of the cultural heritage of the project area. Today's development and promotion of tourism is inseparably connected with the promotion of local culture and history. It becomes the basis for an attractive and positive image of the area based on the popularization of unique aspects of the cultural heritage of individual cities. This translates directly into increasing tourists' interest in the support area, which can be seen in increasing the number of people visiting given places. Achieving the assumed goals will not be possible without cooperation with the Belarusian and Ukrainian partners, on the basis of equivalent support, hence it is necessary to implement actions in a cross-border system.