This project will achieve a new generation of sustainable. low carbon stations. Rail is a high risk and highly regulated sector; to date there is very limited progress with introducing sustainable measures to station buildings. This is a lost opportunity because there are so many stations at the heart of communities they serve; their accessibility makes them ideal demonstration locations. This project will change the rail industry and help tackle climate change. SusStation's most important outputs are: · A sustainability assessment tool. It will be transparent. accessible. tailored to the EU rail sector & offer flexible application to new build. retrofit and operation of station buildings. · SusStation demonstrations - 4 new building schemes & 1 building design - to inform the tool. prove the concept and achieve widespread public exposure. These demonstration buildings will be experienced by over 170m station users each year. The project achievements will be: - more sustainable construction and management of station buildings - lower carbon emissions from the rail sector - creating a rail industry environment which encourages sustainable stations; SusStations & Ticket 2 Kyoto will together inform emerging EU rail industry sustainability and climate change programmes. - new market opportunities. from integrating sustainability and innovation into multi-billion euro investment. for example. the UK's National Station Investment Programme. - working with the rail industry. government. the public and young people to change attitudes about sustainable rail. - extensive networking with high quality EU rail and government stakeholders.