Project is developed by partners from Latvia - Latgale region and Lithuania -Radviliskis region villages. The villages face many economical and social problems which lead to the result that village is not attractive place to live or visit. The objective of the project is to promote economic and social development– develop business and labour market, improve living conditions, rise human capital and increase the attractiveness of the region by developing and implementing theme villages business based on traditional activities of the villages.The sub-objectives: 1) to foster capacity for “alternative” small business in the villages; 2) to empower village communities by building skills, commitment and confidence; 3) to create and promote the model of “revitalizing village” thus expanding and supporting the network of theme villages. The project tasks are: to form and train strong and competent project teams in villages by building competences of project business skills and specifically – theme village business skills (through training,consulting activities - WP 3) to involve and motivate the large part of villages’ communities to participate and support the village business (through community meetings, newsletters, consulting activities - WP2), in WP4- to arrange practical learning - to involve the project teams into development of the village brands and preparing business/ marketing plans, facilitated and supported by professional experts which could serve as model plans and could be used lated for preparing and implementing concrete actions, to organize constant experience sharing and learning through joint activities, study trips, group meetings within Radviliskis – Latgale – Ignalina – Poland, to organize communication, promotion, networking activities for disseminating the idea. The following socio-economic effects are anticipated: participants will improve business and cooperation skills; the village business is expected to be successful (number of visitors increased and economical results achieved) and therefore inspiring people to continue the development and maintenance of it; village community members will have increased positive attitude and confidence in village future and their personal future. The joint activities will strengthen the cooperation and communication of community members and their ability to implement future projects.