The main outcome of this project will be an upgraded and updated ESPON TIA Tool, a Quick Check ensuring territorial impact assessment. This tool has been developed in the previous programming period in order to support policy makers and practitioners with identifying, ex-ante, potential territorial impacts of new EU Legislations, Policies and Directives (LPDs). The project will further develop a user-friendly ESPON TIA web application by providing in addition the possibility to carry out Urban Impact Assessment, Cross-border TIA and TIA focused on other specific types of regions. In addition, new and innovative functionalities will be integrated and existing datasets, typologies will be updated and new indicators will be added. This activity will also support the preparation, moderation and documentation of TIA workshops organized by main stakeholders like the European Commission and the European Committee of the Regions, but also by other stakeholders wishing to use the TIA tool and in need for support. Training of potential moderators of the ESPON TIA tool will be also ensured during the project.