The extraordinary feature of the TICAD project is the broad and productive transnational cooperation of local, regional, national authorities, planning and research institutions from all the five countries sharing the territory of the Tisa basin. Owing to this comprehensive and integrated partnership the aims of the EU water management policies and territorial development perspectives will be pursued in an effective and consistent way in the framework of the SEE programme. Transnational cooperation in facing and dealing with the challenges of this large territory is mandatory in light of the interconnections of the turbulent environmental processes well as of the needs for synergies for social and economic development. The main actions will be the following: Elaboration of a common methodology for this innovative cooperative process; Construction of a common information and data base; Analysis of the state and perspective of the area: national studies and integrated evaluation; Elaboration of a common strategy towards the interlinked objectives of water management, land-use consolidation, environmental rehabilitation, nature conservation, economic diversification as well as social progress: consultation, discussion; Elaboration of pilot projects representing typical issues of the area, discussion, consultation; Formulation of recommendations: national, regional and specific local, consequences drawn for European policies; Dissemination of findings, outputs, results throughout the project and at the final stage. The project outputs will be the following: Joint integrated strategy; Common database (statistics, plans, programs, studies); Common website in 6 languages; 3 transnational pilot projects; Training materials; 11 workshops, seminars, study tuors, 2 conferences; several publications in partner countries; Policy recommendations for the contiguous Tisa basin, for national, regional and selected local actions, consequences for EU policies.