TICC will create systemic change in health & social care, providing services better suited to our ageing population addressing holistic needs. It will present a methodology to overcome blocking points in transferring socially innovative service models from 1 area to another. This will be tested via the implementation of the Buurtzorg integrated care at home model (http://bit.ly/2bCQRLG: self-managing teams of 12 staff working at neighbourhood level handling every aspect of care & business, significantly reduced back office, simple IT & coaches rather than managers, providing better outcomes for people, lower costs/unplanned hospital admissions & consistent care) into new geographic & cultural contexts. TICC will enable other health/social care organisations to implement new ideas; increase staff productivity/recruitment/retention/patient satisfaction & decrease costs/emergency admissions/staff absence & will aim to postpone the moment when residential/end of life care is needed.