The purpose of this trilateral joint project is to enhance and promote, among consumers, typical high-quality products in the project area, by providing the image of a territory characterized by a strong agri-food vocation. The direct targets of the project are the agri-food quality producers of the cross-border area, but an indirect benefit will be felt also by the tourist sector and the farmhouses working in the field of rural tourism. “TIPI-NET” envisages the organization, restoration, enlargement or the extraordinary maintenance - should it be necessary - of the agricultural produce collection and sale centres that the operators of Eastern Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia and the statistical regions of Goriška and Obalno – Kraška refer to. These centres are network-connected and regulated in the management, promotion and sale of the products. Moreover, a system will be set up in order to promote and enhance the local agri-food products as well as the products of the territory, that is to say a Food Park in the Eastern Veneto. Later on this could evolve and become a rural/agri-food district of a wider area. The project will analyse the territory in terms of its agriculture, the quality products, and the rural and environmental landscape, and will carry out a feasibility study on the opportunity to set up a rural/agri-food district. With regard to information (apart from issuing press-releases, information material, etc. ) meetings, presentations and promotional initiatives will be organized.