The TO BE READY project aims at facing common challenge shared among Italian, Albanian and Montenegrin Adriatic regions which, in the last years, are hit by various natural and man-made disasters mainly many wildfires and floods that have caused notable human losses, demages to environment and infrastructures than social warning. To this regard, the project  overall objective is to enhance conditions to increasy the safety of the Italian, Albanian and Montenegrin basin from natural and man-made disaster implementing cross border initiatives able to establish a bridge among participating regions in order to adopt common intervention strategies in case of wildfires and floods. The principal expected changes to be achieved is imporving coordination and level of preparation of strategic key actors involved in the phase of prevention and management of the emergency in case of fires and floods hazards. The main output produced by the project will be the promotion of a shared model of prevention and intervention to be activated in the partner countries. The model will be developed through activities able to stimulate the exchange of experiences and know-how among the participants in the participating countries, the establishment of intervention models and training programs with specific sessions on the organization, protocols and procedures applied in the countries of the middle Adriatic basin, in order to facilitate the easy and safe transfer of facilities, men and materials in case of major events. The cross border approach is compulsory and represents a significant added value for the project and is related to the peculiarities of the different territories involved and different ways of prevention and intervention in case of fires and floods that integrated will certainly contribute to the development of a winning operational model.