The economic situation is forcing public authorities to limit Energy Efficiency (EE) investments in buildings and, as in Central Europe (CE) there is a lack of uniformity in approaches & capacities to adopt EE solutions, our goal is to encourage Public Administrations (PAs) to improve EE in their buildings also by involving users in energy management. TOGETHER changes the existing atomistic vision into a holistic vision of the buildings as a whole of functions and relationships between physical space, technological devices and users’ needs-behaviour. TOGETHER goes beyond isolated technical interventions by integrating them with financial/contracting and Demand Side Management (DSM) tools such as the EPIC model (Energy Performance integrated Contract), which is based on technological devices & a behaviour-based component and a Building Alliance concept among buildings managers, owners and users.  Outputs are: a Interdisciplinary Transnational Training Model; a Training of Trainers and 8 local Interdisciplinary Trainings, targeting about 150 owners/managers/decision makers; an Integrated Transnational Toolkit combining technical, financial & DSM tools; pilot actions involving 85 buildings audited and equipped with smart metering systems for a total of 8 pilot investments; a Transnational Strategy on how to increase EE in buildings through integrated tools, which is translated at partners’ level into a Policy Package that includes a Reinvestment Action Plan, aimed at triggering further investments. 8 PPs and 29 APs will benefit directly from these outputs in different ways and CE citizens will take advantage of savings generated by more skilled PAs able to secure funds and low cost measures for EE.TOGETHER offers a transnational capacity building platform, where partners with different levels of knowledge can strengthen their competences together, reducing their disparities, and promote actions on both the supply and demand side when planning EE in public buildings.