Since we can remember, traditions were the core of a community. Traditional community development has always started by looking at the needs of the local community. Professionals have asked what is wrong with this community and how can we work with the people to fix it. This approach has often looked like a cavalry of people and services marching in and providing programs and otherwise “doing good things” for a community. It has been shown that communities that are thriving have strong relationships and community dialogue that connects people with resources and is focused around what that community is most passionate about. Strong and thriving communities generate their own leadership and embrace diversity in a way that brings out the gifts and resources that otherwise may have been ignored or dismissed. One of the great benefits of working from an asset based approach to community development is that it allows those most marginalised or voice-less in the community to move from the margins to the centre. The rural world in Romanian has always been rich in customs, which seem like picturesque folk exhibitions for the untrained eye of an outsider. For those who understand their significance, these have a profound meaning regarding interpersonal relationships and human relation with nature. Through exhibitions and manifestations, people from a certain environment have tried to give meaning to certain moments and events in their life.There are several events in the life of our community that strengthen the local society's togetherness, help to keep our traditions and the activity of local public life. The present project intends to bring together 2 callendar from two communities, including folklore-based carnival ball, feast of new bread and the events of advent season a.s.o.Kaba town in Hungary and Cetariu commune in Romania never structured, until now, a joint project proposal, but their cooperation and brotherhood goes back in time. People from both communities are participating to each other events, form several years, and now they decided to establish, together, coomon aclendar of events, during a year. Events that will be replicated, multiplied, repeted, on long term, based on this start up common context. Folklore bands/dancers or artists from Hungary will participate to Romanian events, as well as Romanian bands/dancers ors artists will participate to the event in Hungary, thus promoting the traditions of the two countries. Team of young people, practicing swiming, football, cheerleaders activities, will attend specific competitions.In order to create a sustainable context, both institutions design acquisitions plans, mostly for small type of equipment specific for events - tables, wooden benches, small wooden houses where artists & performers can change their costumes a.s.o.The main objective of the project is to promote the cooperation between citizens in order to bring communities closer and strengthen the relationship between them. By implementing the project, the citizens of the two countries will be more aware of the specific traditions, and will interract actively in informal frame, such as concerts and cooking contests. It is a light project, with heavy impact on citizens' daily lives, because not many events are organized in the communes during a calendaristic year.The estimated number of participants to these events are 400, during the year (direclty involved in project's activities) and around 10.000 beneficiaries - if to count only the inhabitants from the two direct involved communities.