The purpose of the project was to develop the Russian know-how of the universities of applied sciences in East Finland as well as the related services in the sectors of business economics, construction engineering, social and health services. Th e project aimed to pilot intensive courses designed in the fi elds of education and implemented mainly in Russia, create and develop web-teaching material, implement related dissertation works and develop the trainee exchange system. Implementing the practical sections of teaching in Russia was considered necessary, so that the students could be given a realistic picture of the Russian working environment and its cultural characteristics. After the development work based on the project, the courses were designed to be integrated to the curriculum of the participating Universities of Applied Sciences. Students moving on to working life and applying their Russian knowhow, the competitiveness and impact of Finnish companies in Russia could be increased. By gathering Russia-related material for the information centre, it was the intention to support the possibilities for cooperation in Russia. Th e project also wanted to map out the possible cooperation partners, mainly in the metropolitan area of Petrozavodsk, as well as create a continued cooperation plan with the chosen partners.