The project was a part-project of the Pielisen Järvilohi Lieksanjokeen framework project, and its purpose was to produce reliable basic information to be used in assessing the necessity and feasibility of constructing migration routes and organising sustainable fishing. The purpose was to research the production capacity of fresh water salmon and trout populations in the Lake Pielinen, the behaviour of the migrating salmon fish into the Lieksanjoki River, the potential of breeding production of the rapid areas above the dams of the Lieksanjoki River, the delayed planting of young fresh water salmon and to perform preliminary surveys about possible cooperation between the project and the Karelia Science Academy as well as preliminary mapping of the rapids of the Russian section of the Tuulijoki River. The result of the project would identify, among others, the upstream migration routes of the salmon fish, the capacity of the rapid areas to produce young salmon and trout, and the quality/quantity of the fish migrating downstream.