The current project stems from the need to enhance the territory of Noventa di Piave through the organization of several activities connected to the territory: the main objective consists in fostering local tourism through thematic events related to the environment and tourism. To this end an “Environment Day for mutual hospitality” is organised to offer didactic activities for the students of Slovenian schools visiting Noventa. They are thus actively involved in the discovery of the local environment and territory; the host schools function as guides, by taking their guests to the Piave river and the itineraries that have been organized by the project. The day devoted to the “River Theatre” offers theatre and musical performances by local groups working from partner areas, while the “Living Crib” focuses on dialogue and learning about other peoples. The result pursued is the national, cross-border and international promotion of the local territory. A tourist guide will also be prepared entitled “From Piave to the East”, as well as other didactic material, a promotional CD-ROM and tourist-cultural itineraries set up by the project, lastly information brochures will be published to present the activities and the goals of the project.