The project started an analysis of the qualifications required to work in the area of Venice and the Slovenian statistical regions of Obalno-kraška and Goriška. This research led to the setting up of a statistical database divided by subject allowing for the identification of the economic sectors most markedly characterised by a development component. The objective of this analysis was understanding to what extent the Venetian area can benefit from the professional skills developed in the Slovenian area, with the identification of the territories where production specialisation and therefore working skills exist that are similar to those of the Venetian area. The project also entails an empirical survey of Venetian and Slovenian entrepreneurs, so as to identify educational and training needs to be developed in order to offer new work opportunities not only in the Venice area but also in the Slovenian one, based on the production specialisations that can encourage agreements with Venetian enterprises. The final product consists of a collection of information that allows an outline of existing relations and similarities between the Venetian and Slovenian work markets. The system developed makes it possible to pinpoint those sectors in which it is advisable to invest to ensure an effective economic cooperation.