The main purpose of the project is to preserve and promote local culture and historical heritage in the Programme area. The municipalities involved in the project are representative of the Kaliningrad Region and the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Region. Both of them have sites of historical and cultural value (Patersort area in Ladushkin and the ruins of the historical mill in Mlynary). However, none of the two municipalities possessed sufficient resources to improve these facilities. The overall objective is the preservation and promotion of local cultural and historical heritage in the Programme area. Beneficiaries intend to develop historical heritage infrastructure in Ladushkin and Mlynary and to promote local cultural heritage sights of the two regions. Main project activities include revival of the historic site Patersort with the establishment of a park of miniatures in Ladushkin, representing historical and cultural objects. On the Polish side a revival of the historic site with the establishment of a park of miniatures in Młynary, representing historical and cultural objects is planned. As a result of the project a joint tourism product and a website promoting the objects of historical and cultural heritage of the Programme area will be created. Implementation of the project in the cross-border partnership will allow to fully use the synergies resulting from mutual promotion of the unique objects and shared experience and knowledge enriching the project from both sides of the border and used to the benefit of residents and tourist of the involved regions.