Essential the project - will encourage cooperation between the two cities in Cross-border region - Preili (Latvia) and Utena (Lithuania). Culture Centres (CC) are today one of most important institution, who developed society origin in individual creativity, skill and talent. Most important target of CC is to save tradition national culture values - the base of the succession for the tradition of the Lithuanian and Latvian Song Celebration is the creative work activity of the amateur artistic groups and sustained roots of local and regional song celebrations. In Lithuania and Latvia existing practises proof that Song Celebrations is as national strategic values, whose inspire local and regional song celebration development. In this project, regional song celebration will be organized in Cross-border Latvia (Preili) – Lithuania (Utena) region. The overall objective of the project is to create common programme and present for cross-border society new culture event – Latgalia-Highlander song celebration, which will be organized in Preili Festivals Park with good posibilities for participating 1000 artists and approximately 5000 audience in April 2013. During this celebration will be presented created common programme Utena and Preili artists in training programme (WP 3 “Cross-border training programme”) for: dance groups, Folk group of youth and childrens, Chorus practice for common programme and Brass bands in Utena. Result of cultural exchanges, continuity of ethnic traditions, interaction and co-operation among specialists, cultivating the old folk traditions will create an opportunity to attract more visitors, to increase culture specialist’s experience, tourist flows across the border. In the frame, events will be presented crafts and culinary heritage of Latgalia and Highlander. Will be create and presented for society interantional culture events (WP 4 “Cross-border cooperation programme”): Dance festiva, Folk festival, Chore celebration, Brass band celebration in Utena, Preili City birthday celebration, Big Spring craftsman fair, Preili festival and Song celebration in Preili. Expected cross-border results: the implementation of the project's activities will encourage community, culture specialists, art amateurs, craftsmen to create, teach and cooperate, what in turn will contribute to creation of new culture product and services. Developed training programme will provide positive educational impact on target groups learning their traditional ethnic culture, contribute to preservation of cultural heritage traditions. Purchased equipment, instrument and costumes will be more attractive for visitors. Developing via cross-border approach will bring a bigger added value for the development of cultural and creatively in the region.