The object of this proposal is to record and show the historical, social and economic conditions determining viniculture and wine-making in Limnos and Cyprus in the framework of projecting the broader „arch“ of commercial, social and cultural exchanges linking the area of the Eastern Mediterranean. Today, Limnos and Cyprus are two nodal points of this arch from both a geographic and a symbolic and historical perspective. Specifically, they signify a North-South delimiting arch and a modern symbolic bridge between Europe and Asia and, from a historical perspective, link modern times with the past. Viniculture and wine-making in Limnos was systematically boosted towards the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century by the introduction of the Alexandrian variety of grapevine, which (also) refers to fellow Greek communities that prospered in Egypt during that period. Viniculture and wine-making in Cyprus have won awards from antiquity to this date.