The main challenge of the project common for the partners is to preserve natural heritage of cross-border area of Poland and Belarus more effectively. Current situation in both locations needs to be improved: solutions in the field of waste water treatment technologies are energy- and capital-intensive. They are insufficient and it results in pollution of Lasosna and Yaselda rivers which are located in valuable natural areas of the Sokólskie Hills (PL) and the Sporovsky Reserve (BY). Pollution gets to ground waters, then to surface waters, and finally spread widely on the borderland area. Moreover, ecology awareness of citizens and authorities need to be raised and tourist need to be encouraged to visit these regions, because tourism potential of these locations is still untapped. Thus, the purpose of the project is to change this negative trends in order to improve attractiveness of both locations for citizens and tourists. Main goals are determined in the project. It is the modernization of waste water treatment plants, raising of awareness of citizens and authorities and also increasing cross-border knowledge transfer. These goals will be achieved through joint cross-borders activities of partners resulting in outputs such as modernized waste water treatment plants, transnational conferences, publication and campaign promoting preservation of natural heritage. From the project will benefit all the groups which are connected with the areas: citizens, entrepreneurs, farmers and authorities, as well as tourists. Environment protection of cross-border area is a complex issue demanding complex approach. Cross-border cooperation is inevitable to achieve all the goals - to raise awareness transnationally and give a new spirit for authorities of cross-border area. Added value of cooperation will be a new cross-border understanding of environmental issues by beneficiaries.