People’s high school in Tornio valley and Ylitornion Kristillinen Opisto are situated on the opposite sides of the Tornio river. Both schools offer education to persons with various forms of disability. At the current stage there are no exchanges between the schools. People’s high school in Tornio valley has experience in working with various forms of theatre and during a number of years students with a disability (mental retardation) produced theatre performances. Ylitornion Kristillinen Opisto concentrates on different kinds of music events. A joint project will engage persons of various ages and will thus strengthen cross-border cooperation. This will also serve as a good foundation for both schools to continue cooperation in the future. A functioning partnership will be established during a preliminary study. The work will result in some kind of a cultural event that will strengthen cross-border cooperation between different generations and at the same time will promote region’s identity, language, traditions and cultural heritage.