Protecting and popularizing the cultural and historical heritage of the cross-border regions, strengthening the cultural relations and cooperation, improving the image and attractiveness of the region, and increasing the capacity of the local communities are a common challenge for the Łęczna County (Poland) and the Mykolaiv Region (Ukraine). In their area, they have many interesting elements of the cultural and historical heritage, however, due to the location near important culturalhistorical sites - Lublin and Lviv - the popularity among the residents and domestic and foreign tourists is relatively low. This is caused e.g. by insufficient awareness of the local communities and the tourists, and poor access to information, including to any infrastructure that facilitates sightseeing. It is therefore necessary to solve these issues, which will help increase the level of awareness among the inhabitants regarding the region's cultural and historical heritage, improve the image and attractiveness of the frontier, and strengthen the cultural relations and cooperation, and increase the number of visitors at the historical and cultural heritage sites in both regions, which is the general purpose of the Project. The cultural and historical heritage information will be promoted by organizing promotion events and releasing publications, which will be deliverables of the project. Access for the residents and tourists to the cultural and historical heritage information will be facilitated by marking tourist routes and providing the following deliverables of the project online: virtual walk, GPS tracking of the tourist routes, a mobile guide with a description of the most important monuments, additional tabs on the website, electronic versions of the publications completed. The Project partners have similar issues and opportunities in the development of cultural tourism, that is why they have undertaken cooperation and plan to share their experience and good practices.