The project is aimed to develop cooperation and establish permanent network in tourism sector among Latgale Region and Pskov Region in order to increase attractiveness and recognisability of both regions in the European Union and Russia. It will raise capacity of regional administration and tourism professionals, improve quality of services, and develop infrastructure in interregional tourism routes. The project involves 4 partners - Latgale Planning Region, State Committee of Tourism, Investment and Spacial Development of Pskov Region, Latgale Regional Development Agency and Pskov Tourism Development Centre. Main beneficiaries of the project are regional administrations and institutions responsible for promotion of tourism sector, tourism operators, entrepreneurs involved in tourism business. Indirectly, the project targets inhabitants and other enterpreneurs of both regions. In order to achieve objectives, the project consists of 4 Activity Packages. Under AP Management and coordination, it is planned that joint management unit will be established to manage further development of joint tourism routes. Under AP Informaton and visibility, website will be developed and joint tourism routes will be promoted by set of marketing activities - advertising on TV and radio, publication of brochure (~27 ths.) and a map, participation in 10 tourism fairs, production of a movie on tourism products etc. Marketing plan will be elaborated to identify activities for promotion of tourism routes after the end of the project. The project will provide extensive information on project development by means of e-newsletter and social networks, like, Twitter and Facebook, thus attracting interest of tourists and enterpreneurs worldwide. Under AP Tourism promotion, 5 joint tourism routes will be developed and capacity of tourism professionals will be rised by means of 8 creative workshops. Action plan will be elaborated to identify activities to develop both tourism routes and products in order to ensure development of infrastructure. It is planned that ~190 tourism professionals will be trained and more than 50 professionals will take active part in identification of joint tourism opportunities in the regions. In AP Infrastructure development, infrastructure of 26 water-based tourism sites will be improved in both Latgale Region and Pskov Region. Safety on the water will also be increased. Improved tourism infrastructure along the joint tourism routes will increase overall competitiveness and recognisability of the regions. It is expected that by the end of the project, attractivity of the regions will raise, and number of visitors to newly established routes will increase significantly along with development of new businesses, thus creating new working places and reducing unemployment in the area.