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NDICI 2027

Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI | 2021-2027)

Budget: 80590000000
Total budget of the funding instrument
Funding period: 2021-2027
The ninth EU funding period ran for seven years and started on January 1, 2021 with most of its funding instruments. Some started later and did not end when the funding period ended on December 31. 2027.
Subprogram(s): 4
Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument - Emerging Challenges and Priorities Cushion (2021-2027), Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument- Rapid Response (2021-2027), GLOBAL EUROPE - Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument - geographic programmes (NDICI GEO | 2021-2027), GLOBAL EUROPE - Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument - thematic programmes (NDICI THEMA | 2021-2027)
NDICI will bring a significant modernisation of the external dimension of the EU budget. It will inc ...
  • 0 Closed Calls
  • 0 Open Calls
  • 0 Further Calls
Eligible costs:
What types of costs are allowed here? Move the mouse over the icon for an explanation.
  • PR - PublicRelation cost
    in funded projects are required to execute various Dissemination and Communication activities with the aim of extending the impact of the project. The Cost for Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation are PR-Cost.
  • external Experts

    Any costs for external expertise and services provided by a public or private body or an individual outside of the beneficiary organisation belong in this cost category.

    These rules also apply to costs for first level controllers where these are paid by the beneficiary. All external expertise and service payments must be made on the basis of contracts or similar written agreements and supported by invoices or requests for reimbursement linked to the tasks carried out.

  • Trainingscost
    Here costs for further and advanced training are paid. Either as part of a project budget or directly by assuming these costs for training courses, further education or study visits.
  • Campaigns
    Costs related to professional/vocational training and public awareness-raising campaigns may be eligible for CEB financing taking into account their objectives within the framework of the projects. Used in CEB-Projects.
  • administrative costs

    Administrative expenses are costs incurred to support the functioning of a business, but which are not directly related to the production of a specific product or service.

    Some level of administrative expenses will always be incurred as a necessary part of operations

Target Groups:
Which target groups are desired here? Move the mouse over the icon for an explanation.
  • EU Neighbour
    southern and eastern neighbours of european union to promote peace, stability and economic
  • agriculture/food sector Organisation
    A collection of all activities that facilitate the consumption and supply of food products and services across the world.
  • higher Education
    Higher education is tertiary education leading to award of an academic degree. Higher education, also called post-secondary education, third-level or tertiary education, is an optional final stage of formal learning that occurs after completion of secondary education.
  • Education Institutions
  • national and european Authority
  • local and regional Authority
    A local or egional authority is an organization that is officially responsible for all the public services and facilities in a particular area.
  • Local Community
    A local community has been defined as a group of interacting people living in a common location.
  • Disadvantaged Youth
    A disadvantaged Youth is defined as "an individual who is age 16 through 21 who received an income, or is a member of a family that received a total family income that, in relation to family size, does not exceed the higher of the poverty line, or 70 percent of the Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL)."
  • Pupils
    Students of all ages and all educational levels.
  • young People
    Young people between the ages of 13 and 30.
  • Adults
    People aged 18 and over
  • Trainee
    A trainee in the German-speaking countries is a person who is undergoing vocational training. The training concludes with a journeyman's examination, skilled worker or with a final examination.
  • Professional
    Is a collective name for people who have specialized in a specialist area and who, in contrast to the general public, have specialist knowledge.
  • Youthworker
    A Youth worker is a person that works with young people to facilitate their personal, social and educational development through informal education,
  • and 29 more
Which applicants are admitted here? Move the mouse over the icon for an explanation.
  • public Administrations
    A public administration, also called administrative, is the activity of the state or another local authority district of public administration that is neither legislation nor jurisdiction, nor carries out political government activities.


Erasmus - Higher Education (ERA-HE | 1987-1988)

Budget: -0.09
Total budget of the funding instrument
Funding period: 1987-1988
Subprogram(s): 0
  • 0 Closed Calls
  • 0 Open Calls
  • 0 Further Calls
Eligible costs:
What types of costs are allowed here? Move the mouse over the icon for an explanation.
Target Groups:
Which target groups are desired here? Move the mouse over the icon for an explanation.
  • University
    A University is a high-level educational institution in which students study for degrees and academic research is done.
  • higher Education
    Higher education is tertiary education leading to award of an academic degree. Higher education, also called post-secondary education, third-level or tertiary education, is an optional final stage of formal learning that occurs after completion of secondary education.
Which applicants are admitted here? Move the mouse over the icon for an explanation.


ERASMUS+ (ERA+ | 2021-2027)

Budget: 24570000
Total budget of the funding instrument
Funding period: 2021-2027
The ninth EU funding period ran for seven years and started on January 1, 2021 with most of its funding instruments. Some started later and did not end when the funding period ended on December 31. 2027.
Subprogram(s): 5
EURYDICE II (2021-2027), ERASMUS+ YOUTH in Action 2027 (ERA+-YOU | 2021-2027), Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education: Modules, ERASMUS+ EDUCATION 2027, Erasmus+ SPORT 2027 (ERA+ (ERA+ SPORT | 2021-2027)
Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. It is supp ...
  • 0 Closed Calls
  • 0 Open Calls
  • 0 Further Calls
Eligible costs:
What types of costs are allowed here? Move the mouse over the icon for an explanation.

    CEB loans cannot cover staff costs (wages/salaries and other related benefits such as pension payments), financial charges and non-cash elements such as depreciation.

    Such costs may however be considered eligible when they relate to project management or technical assistance required for project preparation and implementation.

    All costs incurred in the course of production for raw materials, consumables and supplies are part of the material costs
  • PR - PublicRelation cost
    in funded projects are required to execute various Dissemination and Communication activities with the aim of extending the impact of the project. The Cost for Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation are PR-Cost.
    Indirect costs are general administrative costs – overhead costs incurred in connection with the eligible direct costs of the action. They are often limited to a percent flat-rate of the total eligible direct costs for the action. Indirect costs are not eligible for an action where the beneficiary already receives an operating grant from the EU budget during the period in question.
  • Management Cost
    Management costs are personnel costs for internal personnel who do not work professionally, but carry out project management or the fees for external experts who also work in project management.

    This budget category covers the travel costs and related subsistence allowances (including all related duties, taxes and charges that the beneficiary has paid, if including them is part of the usual practices for travel, e.g. non-deductible VAT) spent for the action.

    Travel and subsistence costs relate to the personnel of the beneficiaries. They may also often relate to experts that participate in the action on an ad hoc basis.

  • external Experts

    Any costs for external expertise and services provided by a public or private body or an individual outside of the beneficiary organisation belong in this cost category.

    These rules also apply to costs for first level controllers where these are paid by the beneficiary. All external expertise and service payments must be made on the basis of contracts or similar written agreements and supported by invoices or requests for reimbursement linked to the tasks carried out.

  • Exquipment
    in Horizon Europe: What? This budget category covers the depreciation costs of equipment, infrastructure or other assets used for the action. In some cases (e.g. infrastructure), equipment costs may also include the costs necessary to ensure that the asset is in good condition for its intended use (e.g. site preparation, delivery and handling, installation, etc.). What not? If the beneficiary’s usual practice is to consider durable equipment costs (or some of them) as indirect costs, these can NOT be declared as direct costs, but are covered by the 25 % flat rate for indirect costs (see Article 6.2.E). Any depreciation declared as a direct cost under a H2020 action must be a direct cost under the beneficiary’s cost accounting practices (see Article 6.2.)
  • Preparation cost

    Preparation costs are mostly the planning costs from the preliminary phase of the project, which are (partially in some funding instruments like INTERREG B) reimbursed retrospectively and mostly with a lump sum if the project is successful.

  • living expenses

    cover the cost for living expenses during a visit or study for individual person, most as lump sum per month (stipendium).

  • Surveys
    The preparatory surveys or studies (technical, economic or commercial, engineering, environmental and social impact assessment and management plans) the technical supervision of the project and other project related professional services.
  • Campaigns
    Costs related to professional/vocational training and public awareness-raising campaigns may be eligible for CEB financing taking into account their objectives within the framework of the projects. Used in CEB-Projects.
  • VAT
    Non-deductible and non-refundable VAT and other tax-related costs non-deductible and non-refundable can be considered as eligible costs. A value-added tax, known in some countries as a goods and services tax, is a type of tax that is assessed incrementally. It is levied on the price of a product or service at each stage of production, distribution, or sale to the end consumer.
    This includes other costs that cannot be directly subordinated to the main categories of normal project costs. This budget category covers consumables, conferences and seminars, publications and dissemination, translation and other costs not covered in the previous categories. The costs of consumables and supplies are eligible — if they are exclusively used for the project and identifiable as such in your accounts and if the purchasing rules were complied with (best value for money).
  • and 1 more
Target Groups:
Which target groups are desired here? Move the mouse over the icon for an explanation.
  • Apprentice / Trainee
    a person who is learning a trade from a skilled employer, having agreed to work for a fixed period at low wages.
  • higher Education
    Higher education is tertiary education leading to award of an academic degree. Higher education, also called post-secondary education, third-level or tertiary education, is an optional final stage of formal learning that occurs after completion of secondary education.
  • young People
    Young people between the ages of 13 and 30.
  • Adults
    People aged 18 and over
  • Researcher
  • Trainee
    A trainee in the German-speaking countries is a person who is undergoing vocational training. The training concludes with a journeyman's examination, skilled worker or with a final examination.
  • Youthworker
    A Youth worker is a person that works with young people to facilitate their personal, social and educational development through informal education,
  • Learner
    a person who is learning a subject or skill
  • Teacher
    a person who teaches, especially in a school.
  • Citizen
    Citizens are citizens of a state or a municipality. In the sense of constitutional law, nationals are "citizens"; at the municipal level, the "residents or residents" of a city or municipality are usually meant.
  • Student
    A student is a person who is enrolled in an institution of the tertiary education sector and receives an academic training there or is undergoing further education at a university.
  • Entrepreneur
    a person who attempts to make a profit by starting a company or by operating alone in the business world
  • vocational Student
    Pupil who goes to vocational school
  • School pupil
    The pupils of a school are the children who go to it
  • and 55 more
Which applicants are admitted here? Move the mouse over the icon for an explanation.
  • Highschool
    University is the generic term for institutions in the tertiary education sector. A distinction is made between universities and equivalent universities, these are universities with the right to award doctorates and postdoctoral degrees (DE).
  • University
    A University is a high-level educational institution in which students study for degrees and academic research is done.
  • Educational Institution
    An educational institution is an institution that either has an original educational mandate in accordance with a state or local ordinance or is awarded an indirect educational mandate.
  • NGO - Non-governmental organization
    A non-governmental organization or a non-governmental organization is a civil society-led interest group that is not legitimized by a public mandate. ‘NGO’ stands for non-governmental organisation. It is a useful shorthand term used to refer to a rangeof different organisations that typically share the following characteristics: They are not created to generate profit.
  • Association
    The association refers to a voluntary and long-term association of natural and / or legal persons for the purpose of a specific purpose, which is independent of the change of its members.
  • Environmental Organization
    Environmental organizations are associations that are committed to protecting the environment in general, or dedicate them to special sub-areas or groups of organisms.
  • Environmental Authority
    Environmentally relevant activities require an environmental authority (EA) (under the Environmental Protection Act 1994) to be issued before any activity can begin. An EA imposes conditions to reduce or avoid potential environmental impacts.
  • Professional Association
    A group of people who work together in a single organization for a particular purpose.
  • Business Association
    A business association is an organization founded and funded by businesses that operate in a specific industry.
  • Labor Union
    An organized association of workers, often in a trade or profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests; a trade union.
  • Platform
    A raised level surface on which people or things can stand.
  • Cooperation
    Cooperation is the process of groups of organisms working or acting together for common, mutual, or some underlying benefit, as opposed to working in competition for selfish benefit.
  • International Organisation
    An international organization or intergovernmental organization is, in the sense of international law, an amalgamation of at least two states or other subjects of international law that is permanent, usually operates across national borders and fulfills supranational tasks. An essential feature of such an organization is that it has at least one body through which it acts.
  • Business support Organisation
    Business support organizations are nonprofit, public and for-profit resource organizations that serve local businesses and support their growth and success. BSOs help client companies connect to talent, find co-working space, and test and validate business ideas.
  • and 65 more



Budget: 1
Total budget of the funding instrument
Funding period: 2021-2027
The ninth EU funding period ran for seven years and started on January 1, 2021 with most of its funding instruments. Some started later and did not end when the funding period ended on December 31. 2027.
Subprogram(s): 0
REGIOSTARS awards have become Europe´s label of excellence for EU-funded projects, which demonstrate ...
  • 0 Closed Calls
  • 0 Open Calls
  • 0 Further Calls
Eligible costs:
What types of costs are allowed here? Move the mouse over the icon for an explanation.
Target Groups:
Which target groups are desired here? Move the mouse over the icon for an explanation.
Which applicants are admitted here? Move the mouse over the icon for an explanation.

CERV 2027

Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV | 2021-2027)

Budget: 1554000000
Total budget of the funding instrument
Funding period: 2021-2027
The ninth EU funding period ran for seven years and started on January 1, 2021 with most of its funding instruments. Some started later and did not end when the funding period ended on December 31. 2027.
Subprogram(s): 6
Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme - Union Values (CERV-UV | 2021-2027), Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values - Equality, Rights and Gender Equality (CERV-ERGE | 2021-2027), Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values - Citizens’ engagement and participation (CERV-CEP | 2021-2027), Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values - DAPHNE (CERV-DAPHNE | 2021-2027), CERV-2021-CITIZENS-TOWNTWINNING, Protect and promote the rights of the child

CERV stands for “Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values” and will be the biggest- ...

  • 0 Closed Calls
  • 0 Open Calls
  • 0 Further Calls
Eligible costs:
What types of costs are allowed here? Move the mouse over the icon for an explanation.

    CEB loans cannot cover staff costs (wages/salaries and other related benefits such as pension payments), financial charges and non-cash elements such as depreciation.

    Such costs may however be considered eligible when they relate to project management or technical assistance required for project preparation and implementation.

    All costs incurred in the course of production for raw materials, consumables and supplies are part of the material costs
  • PR - PublicRelation cost
    in funded projects are required to execute various Dissemination and Communication activities with the aim of extending the impact of the project. The Cost for Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation are PR-Cost.
    Indirect costs are general administrative costs – overhead costs incurred in connection with the eligible direct costs of the action. They are often limited to a percent flat-rate of the total eligible direct costs for the action. Indirect costs are not eligible for an action where the beneficiary already receives an operating grant from the EU budget during the period in question.
  • Management Cost
    Management costs are personnel costs for internal personnel who do not work professionally, but carry out project management or the fees for external experts who also work in project management.

    This budget category covers the travel costs and related subsistence allowances (including all related duties, taxes and charges that the beneficiary has paid, if including them is part of the usual practices for travel, e.g. non-deductible VAT) spent for the action.

    Travel and subsistence costs relate to the personnel of the beneficiaries. They may also often relate to experts that participate in the action on an ad hoc basis.

  • external Experts

    Any costs for external expertise and services provided by a public or private body or an individual outside of the beneficiary organisation belong in this cost category.

    These rules also apply to costs for first level controllers where these are paid by the beneficiary. All external expertise and service payments must be made on the basis of contracts or similar written agreements and supported by invoices or requests for reimbursement linked to the tasks carried out.

  • Exquipment
    in Horizon Europe: What? This budget category covers the depreciation costs of equipment, infrastructure or other assets used for the action. In some cases (e.g. infrastructure), equipment costs may also include the costs necessary to ensure that the asset is in good condition for its intended use (e.g. site preparation, delivery and handling, installation, etc.). What not? If the beneficiary’s usual practice is to consider durable equipment costs (or some of them) as indirect costs, these can NOT be declared as direct costs, but are covered by the 25 % flat rate for indirect costs (see Article 6.2.E). Any depreciation declared as a direct cost under a H2020 action must be a direct cost under the beneficiary’s cost accounting practices (see Article 6.2.)
  • Trainingscost
    Here costs for further and advanced training are paid. Either as part of a project budget or directly by assuming these costs for training courses, further education or study visits.
  • Sustainability
    The maintenance of the viability and sustainability of the public services; including certain categories of recurrent costs to be determined during project duration.
  • Campaigns
    Costs related to professional/vocational training and public awareness-raising campaigns may be eligible for CEB financing taking into account their objectives within the framework of the projects. Used in CEB-Projects.
  • VAT
    Non-deductible and non-refundable VAT and other tax-related costs non-deductible and non-refundable can be considered as eligible costs. A value-added tax, known in some countries as a goods and services tax, is a type of tax that is assessed incrementally. It is levied on the price of a product or service at each stage of production, distribution, or sale to the end consumer.
  • administrative costs

    Administrative expenses are costs incurred to support the functioning of a business, but which are not directly related to the production of a specific product or service.

    Some level of administrative expenses will always be incurred as a necessary part of operations

Target Groups:
Which target groups are desired here? Move the mouse over the icon for an explanation.
  • young People
    Young people between the ages of 13 and 30.
  • Childs
  • Pupils
    Students of all ages and all educational levels.
  • Adults
    People aged 18 and over
  • Stakeholder
    A stakeholder is a person or group who has a legitimate interest in the progress or result of a process or project.
  • Policymaker
    A politician is a person who holds a political office or mandate or is otherwise politically active. Politicians are usually a member of a party.
  • public Facilities
    A public institution is an organization that is maintained in the public interest and is made accessible to residents by means of an official dedication, and through which the municipality, as the responsible body, exercises official and technical supervi
  • Trainee
    A trainee in the German-speaking countries is a person who is undergoing vocational training. The training concludes with a journeyman's examination, skilled worker or with a final examination.
  • Volunteer
    a person who works for an organization without being paid.
  • Youthworker
    A Youth worker is a person that works with young people to facilitate their personal, social and educational development through informal education,
  • Learner
    a person who is learning a subject or skill
  • Teacher
    a person who teaches, especially in a school.
  • Handicap People
    Someone who is handicapped has a physical or mental disability that prevents them living a totally normal life. Many people who have a disability find this word offensive.
  • Citizen
    Citizens are citizens of a state or a municipality. In the sense of constitutional law, nationals are "citizens"; at the municipal level, the "residents or residents" of a city or municipality are usually meant.
  • and 72 more
Which applicants are admitted here? Move the mouse over the icon for an explanation.
  • European Citizens
    Being a European Citizen means that, as long as you stay within the borders of the Union, you are never “illegal” and you can work and live abroad, and are always protected by the diplomatic and consular authorities in another twenty-seven countries, excluding your homeland.
  • NGO - Non-governmental organization
    A non-governmental organization or a non-governmental organization is a civil society-led interest group that is not legitimized by a public mandate. ‘NGO’ stands for non-governmental organisation. It is a useful shorthand term used to refer to a rangeof different organisations that typically share the following characteristics: They are not created to generate profit.
  • Private Company
    A company whose shares may not be offered to the public for sale and which operates under legal requirements less strict than those for a public company.
  • Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
    A civil society organization (CSO) is a group of people that operates in the community in a way that is distinct from both government and business.
  • Highschool
    University is the generic term for institutions in the tertiary education sector. A distinction is made between universities and equivalent universities, these are universities with the right to award doctorates and postdoctoral degrees (DE).
  • University
    A University is a high-level educational institution in which students study for degrees and academic research is done.
  • Authority
    Authority is a public body that performs public administration tasks that are assigned to it by substantive laws. Authorities can give up doing, tolerating or refraining from doing things or providing services.
  • Company
    A company is an economically independent organizational unit that takes market and capital risks with the help of planning and decision-making tools.
  • Educational Institution
    An educational institution is an institution that either has an original educational mandate in accordance with a state or local ordinance or is awarded an indirect educational mandate.
  • Ministery
    A ministry is a supreme authority in a state or country. It is regularly headed by a government minister. A ministry manages money, but sometimes acts as an applicant or project partner.
  • public Administrations
    A public administration, also called administrative, is the activity of the state or another local authority district of public administration that is neither legislation nor jurisdiction, nor carries out political government activities.
  • SMEs - small and medium-sized enterprises (between 10 and 249 employees)
    Small businesses, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are defined in EU Recommendation 2003/361, if it has no more than 249 employees, an annual turnover of max. generated € 50 million or total assets of max. has 43 million.
  • Association
    The association refers to a voluntary and long-term association of natural and / or legal persons for the purpose of a specific purpose, which is independent of the change of its members.
  • Environmental Organization
    Environmental organizations are associations that are committed to protecting the environment in general, or dedicate them to special sub-areas or groups of organisms.
  • and 72 more

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