The Proposal for the Project “Techno-Environmental Platform for the Agro-food Sector in the Mediterranean” aims at the promotion of the eco-innovation in companies belonging to the Agro-food Sector, mainly SMEs, by the creation of a platform sustainable in time and which promotes the transfer of Environmental Technologies and Eco-innovation best practices through the exchange of information and development of joint actions. This will contribute to the promotion of exchange of information related to Eco-innovation and Environmental Technologies in the agro-food in the Mediterranean so that organizations incorporate eco-innovation into their processes. In addition, this will improve the environmental behaviour of agro-food companies in the Mediterranean area, through the implementation of Environmental Technologies and the transfer of management best practices. The project answers the increasing importance of the Environmental Technologies due to its contribution to the reduction of the pressure natural resources, to the improvement of citizens’ quality of life and to its contribution to competitiveness and economic growth. This project also responds to the EU Environmental Technologies Action Plan (ETAP), adopted in 2004, to support both innovation and development of Environmental Technologies and their introduction onto the market. Environmental Technologies can be defined as those which are less harmful for the Environment than the corresponding alternatives.