The sector of distribution and logistics of agricultural and food products in the Adriatic area lacks institutional and economic governance such as to make it possible to establish an Adriatic transnational economic cooperation system capable of balancing and harmonizing technical, managerial, financial and innovation service (certification) issues among the two Adriatic coasts (eastern and western) with an exchange of best practices supporting the internationalization of the system and enterprises. The project is a permanent network of logistic, distribution and service infrastructures in food production lines in the Adriatic area, aiming to develop transnational economic cooperation by developing the following activities: 1. enhancement of cooperation in the distribution of agricultural and food products, enhancement of small- and medium-size enterprises and logistics, with a work group which will provide: - information and stimulation to cooperation between SMEs and Institutions;- support to an entrepreneurial development of production lines. 2. establishment of a permanent network of distribution infrastructures and services in food products production lines in the Adriatic area: - identifying local distribution structures and infrastructures; - implementing strategies, measures and transnational territorial development projects in the field of distribution of food products, logistics and SME reference; - by sharing experiences. 3. identification of suitable financial services for developing network structures and the SME system by means of: - implementation of suitable financial tools for developing the network structures identified (specific credit lines); - promotion and use of joint ventures among economic subjects in different areas or countries, as well as guarantees; 4. improvement of managerial and financial knowledge of the enterprises 5. Sharing and developing innovative technologies and network connections. A common management software programme was identified for distribution platforms in the partnership, capable of connecting the various facilities and the SME system by using modern TLCs to promote commercial exchanges. 6. Definition and development of a harmonized operating system guaranteeing quality of processes, hygiene and safety of food products along the whole production line, by drafting guidelines implementing the EU regulations applicable to products/companies/production lines 7. Definition of shared rules for certifying companies and products - Creation of a joint transnational network of certification bodies and development of a series of pilot certifications in areas lacking harmonization. 8. Creation of a web portal for products and certified companies, as a tool to simplify connections between products and companies 9. Promotion of the network by spreading the results achieved by using innovative technologies, spreading information on technical assistance in the field of innovation, in order to increase companies’ competitiveness. 10. Definition of the conditions for establishing a reference European group for transnational cooperation (GECT) for governance in the agricultural and food sector and related logistic platforms. The GECT designs its actions in order to give momentum to the development of a target area and guarantees medium- and long-term effects.