The connectivity and mobility of people and goods between modern countries constitute the basis for economic growth, social and cultural cohesion and facilitate in a significant way the development of cooperation relationships between different countries or regions. The air transport, by giving the possibility of rapid and direct connections, is seen as a principal generator of economic prosperity. In the Adriatic area the main problems regarding the communication issues are represented by the insufficient physical connections between two sea coasts. The AIR.NET project copes the problem by supporting the establishment of direct air connections along the east-west Adriatic coasts in order to improve accessibility and mobility of the area. The project partnership is mainly based on the Adriatic regional airports that constitute an important engine for the socio-economic development of local societies. AIR.NET has a particular attention to those areas which have relevant economic potentials but are in development delay due to the existence of communication barriers like for example inland or peripheral territories which economic growth is imposed by the insufficient transport infrastructure. The establishment of new air routes connecting the regional airports involved in the project will notably improve the economic situation of their territories by generating new possibilities for business and investments, especially in the tourism sector through travel time savings ensured by the new air flights. The definition of new routes development scheme, including destinations and timing schedules as well as selection of air carrier and the whole start-up process, is planned through detailed SWOT analysis consisted of market, territorial and legal studies in order to ensure the concrete basis for the development of feasibility and business plans to open new air services across Adriatic sea. The project activities foresee elaboration of the marketing strategy tailored to support new routes launching process and assured their performance for one year, within the project duration. It is important to underline that the economic activities of regional airports involved in the AIR.NET project, constitute a service of general economic interest for the whole region and comply with the conditions established by the European Commission in the communication entitled “Community guidelines on financing of airports and start-up aid to airlines departing from regional airports” (COM 2005/C 312/01). AIR.NET activities, regarding the support for new routes from the peripheral regions (including air services to neighbouring non-member countries), in view of the significant difficulties which result from launching a new connection, are in line with above-mentioned “Guidelines” and do not distort competition or affect trade to an extent contrary to the common interest. Furthermore AIR.NET endeavours to improve the accessibility of regional airports involved in the project, by design of regional mobility plans in order to develop and promote “co-modality”, the integration and collaboration of the transport modes in accordance to the “Action plan for airport capacity, efficiency and safety in Europe” (COM(2006) 819 final) and provide efficient and direct public connections between airports and main business/tourist locations. Therefore the AIR.NET project aims, through the establishment of new permanent air connections between two Adriatic coasts, to enhance accessibility and communication which are of key importance to strengthening regional economies and improving the cross-border social, economic, political and cultural cooperation and relationships in the Adriatic region.