This joint project focuses on emergency management of the Italian and French coastal marine areas earmarked for critical infrastructure. Considering the territorial contiguity and type of operation required, initiatives supporting more standardised actions should provide maximum benefit. This project’s objective is to set up a permanent laboratory to identify, test and validate integrated emergency management procedures in the event of accidents, crises or significant accidents occurring during the loading and unloading of goods and dangerous substances in port areas. These actions will help identify standard organisation and behaviour protocols to better assist operator skills in emergencies. Indeed, one of the weakest and most critical phases of the logistic chain for this type of goods is determined by physical discontinuity in passing from sea to land (and vice versa). It will investigate the behaviour of emergency operators and test new behavioural protocols, operating standards, emergency monitoring and control procedures and support technologies for infrastructure and on-board systems. It will introduce the concept of Extended Maritime Framework and MS2G (Modelling, Interoperable Simulation and Serious Games) simulation techniques to combine different models and guarantee a high level of fidelity and simplicity of use. The ALACRES 2 simulation will reproduce two specific types of accident (i.e. tank explosion, accident during loading/unloading operations) in the different regional areas involved in improving maritime safety.