The common challenge of the program area is to develop a long lasting innovative cross border link among programs eligible countries in the field of environment issues and environmental emergency situations and other hazards giving a best practice example and having synergies with other European Programs and Projects so as the expected result is to obtain and improve availability of cross border compatible environmental monitoring data and information within Black Sea Basin.The project ALERT takes the unique opportunity offered by CBC Black Sea Basin, a program which encourages partnerships between EU and non EU countries covering a vast territory and all partners having the same financial chances regardless their EU membership.The project is implemented through a unique consortium consisting in Constanta County Council Romania as LP, Ungheni County District Republic of Moldova and Bulgarian Association for Transfer of Technology and has its main objective in line with the wider objective of the program, namely to improve the well fare of the people in the Black Sea Basin regions trough sustainable growth and joint environmental protection.The partnership will capitalize the cooperation between 3 communities, both EU and non EU members (approx. 1400000 inhabitants,25000km2), cross border human resources, efficient joint environmental management of natural resources and economic cooperation, by meeting one of the project strategic objectives: address common challenges in environment, public protection, safety and security by covering all sides of the challenge through protection, prevention and intervention activities. On one hand the partnership will focus on prevention actions by creating a cross border environmental monitoring system, development of prevention activities for environmental protection and improve the availability and cross border interoperability of updated online data for public authorities and NGOs.On the other hand the partnership will concentrate joint efforts in protection and interventions in the environmental risk areas and manage emergency situations due to environmental hazards such earthquakes, floods or forest fires providing through implementation of the project an important material basis consisting of specialized equipment necessary to protect ecosystems, inhabitants and material assets improving the responsiveness of the authorities in environmental emergency situations.Specific objectives of the project are: environmental monitoring in all 4 partner countries (protection and prevention), increasing public awareness among BSB communities regarding environmental issues risks and protection measures (protection and prevention) and improve cooperation on environmental issues between local authorities and NGOs in environmental disasters prevention and intervention management (prevention and intervention).The budget of the project is 757.568 Euros.