The ALICERA project aims to test the RAL-instrument in different European rural regions and to assess its effectiveness by carrying out a large-scale evaluation. The results give insights into the significance and potential of educational instruments like RAL for the rural development. As an educational measure, RAL is directed at children, youth and adults. The implementation of RAL is based on regional co-operation structures between actors from the sector of agricultural / food industry and educational sector. The close connection of both sectors is the unique characteristic of this new approach. RAL activities take place in local agricultural and food enterprises where the participants receive on-site training by qualified RAL-multiplicators. ALICERA main activities: 1. interregional experience exchange and transfer (workshops, internal forum at website), 2. development of 36 RAL modules, 3. training of 720 RAL multiplicators, 4. regional networking, 5. implementation of 3.660 RAL activities in total, 6. This scope of activities allows to make scientifically founded statements on the effectiveness of the RAL-strategy.