The value of public purchase in the Alpine Space amount to 14 % of the GDP of the area. It represent therefore a huge development opportunity for private companies – and especially Small and Medium Size Enterprises ( SMEs). Nevertheless, only 3% of public contracts are awarded to transnational bidders. This situation represent a weakness for the competitiveness of the Alpine Space, both for private suppliers who miss important development opportunities, and for the alpine local authorities who do not take advantage of the most competitive offers. The objective of the ALPPS project is therefore to implement solutions to improve the access of SMEs to public contracts within the Alpine Space. For that purpose, the main activities will be the electronic dissemination of tenders to a panel of pilot SMEs, the development of an electronic guide summarising all the useful legal information about public procurement in the Alpine Space, the organisation of workshops about public procurement in all participating regions, and finally a SWOT analysis of the public procurement situation in the Alpine Space.