EU R&D policies have an increasing impact on R&D systems and territorial cohesion, at European level and in the regions. However, regions only have a fragmented vision of the territorial impact of the earmarking of EU Regional Policy in the R&D field and of the results of EU programmes such as the FP6/FP7 and the CIP on their territories. As monitoring tools on these issues, they are using national or European general assessments and local empirical data. Despite being actors in the R&D field, regions are therefore lacking strategic knowledge for building better synergies between their policies and EU R&D ones. This project aims to equip the 9 regional actors with an accurate picture of their R&D systems, EU R&D Policy activity and its territorial impacts. This should provide these regional actors with the evidence needed to formulate and manage R&D policy more effectively. More broadly, the project will provide a harmonised methodology that other regions can use and suggest how data collection can be improved so that it contributes more effectively to the management of R&D policy and territorial cohesion initiatives.