Among the common features of the Adriatic landscape is the olive grove, on which for centuries have relied the economic and cultural activities of the local populations. The shaping of that landscape is locally transformed, due to its recent history, changes in traditional ways of human intervention as far as models and techniques of oil production are concerned, the olive tree varieties and productivity, the economic efficiency of the olive grove in specific areas. In particular Adriatic areas olive grove faces problems due to economic, technological, environmental, legal etc. factors, while its efficient exploitation is far from beeing homogeneous. Inefficient growing and management, abuse of pesticides and low quality of the end product, waste of olive pressing, constitute threats transforming a traditionally important source of economic and cultural resources into a problem for local economies and societies. Such problems bear the risk of devaluation of that Adriatic common feature, which could lead to its degradation and distancing of the residents from a multifaceted and perennial culture related to everyday life, professions, skills, diet, social events, art and literature. Considering that in the past, actions to face such problems have been inefficient, in order to prevent such risks, it is necessary to promote innovated practices enhancing efficient attitudes not only among producers, but also among local societies. Such a change can be promoted by means of actions enhancing innovative practices and sensitivities of the general population (young people, professionals of other economic fields, for example tourist operators etc). By making evident the total spectrum of the olive grove development possibilities, a broader interest on the prevention of the above mentioned risks could emerge for the reversal of the degradation and rational exploitation of the olive grove in areas where the problems are acute. In this framework, the resolution of the problems on the basis of scientific knowledge, but also the exchange of experience among the participating diverse areas of the Adriatic may play a significant role. Through the project in which the Universities of the Ionian and Tirana and Provincia Rimini join as beneficiaries, it is aimed to collect data on the olive grove of the relevant areas and exchange information, initially on a research level, which finally will enrich the experience of target groups of these areas on matters such as prevention of natural and technological risks of this so significant and quantitative potentional of the areas natural and cultural resources. In the framework of the collaboration of the above bodies the following are scheduled: the incorporation of experiences and research material which will the output of organized special studies concerning the relevant risks, the codification of this material so that it will be used to promote change of attitude with the targeted dissemination of relevant knowledge on informing and promoting the proper good practices to target groups, such as the professionals on olive groves and its economy, but also to make the wider public more sensitive on the relevant risks and promote active positive attitudes in all connected frameworks, from the economic management, environmental evaluation, alimentary behavior to the realization of the positive role of the olive grove in matters such as entertainment and art creation. Futhermore, as the project’s target groups are young people, as far as changing attitudes is concerned, it is expected to advance the follow ups of the project. Finally, to establish a concrete instrument for the follow up of the project, an informative platform is to be created, so that after the end of the project, the relevant informative material, efficiently structured, will be available to all the interest groups.