AIM: To demonstrate how transnational cooperation has improved the economic viability of NWE cities. regions and communities by managing and developing public areas to enhance their attractiveness to skilled people. visitors and investors. and to help set priorities for future Interreg funding programmes relating to urban development and regeneration. The proposed cluster addresses the programme’s ambition to promote stronger communication and dissemination of its project results across NWE and the wider EU. This includes as customers all NWE regions. cities and communities. including those not participating in Interreg. Achieving this aim involves enabling stakeholders to access easily the knowledge from Priority 4 projects. and benefit directly from the outcomes. These activities are formalised within the cluster as 4 objectives. underpinning the main project aim. as follows: OBJECTIVES: • O1. Document and disseminate project results including new tools. policies. processes and other innovations (Actions 1 and 5). • O2. Evaluate project outputs and outcomes (Actions 2 and 6). • O3. Integrate and validate project results (Actions 3 and 7). • O4. Establish shared. strategic priorities for future EU funding programmes (Actions 4 and 8). The cluster will joining up the lessons and innovation from different projects on urban development. improving the ‘big picture’ links and coordinated promotional and cooperation work enabling stakeholders to access and apply knowledge and results.