The ports of the Adriatic area represent one of the main gates linking Continental Europe towards Asia and Southern Mediterranean regions and these ports need to increase port efficiency and productivity rates. A real better performance can be achieved by introducing a better organisation of the port operations and smart ICT systems capable to smoothing the interfaces between modes and operators.Another priority area of intervention to achieve a better efficiency appear to be the administrative treatment of ships. The European Commission has expressed in different documents its support to the “single window” systems, in order to manage tasks as the clearance of documents and controls by the relevant administrations. “The improvement of the ship-shore communications, contacts with the previous port of call and port-logistics software involving both public and private stakeholders will allow for the development of port integrated systems.They will improve clearance of goods, better planning, faster transfer to inland transport, reduce pressure on port space, and be a key tool for seafarers, ship, port services and planning” (Communication on a European Ports Policy COM(2007)616). The APC project will develop a system based on the principle of the “Single Window”,namely a facility that allows parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardized information and documents with a single entry point to fulfil all import, export, and transit-related regulatory requirements.The project aims at improving the effectiveness of the procedures for the clearance of freight flows in port areas, through the design, development and testing of a support instrument for ship arrival and departure, customs clearance and cargo logistic.